diff --git a/esoui/ingame/group/keyboard/zo_groupingtools_keyboard.lua b/esoui/ingame/group/keyboard/zo_groupingtools_keyboard.lua
deleted file mode 100755
index c7677ba..0000000
--- a/esoui/ingame/group/keyboard/zo_groupingtools_keyboard.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
---Grouping Tools Keyboard
-local LFM_MODE = 1
-local LFG_MODE = 2
-local function GetLFGEntryString(name, levelMin, levelMax, veteranRankMin, veteranRankMax)
-    local minString
-    local maxString
-    if levelMin < GetMaxLevel() then
-        minString = tostring(levelMin)
-    else
-        minString = GetLevelOrVeteranRankString(levelMin, veteranRankMin, 28)
-    end
-    if veteranRankMax > 0 then
-        local maxRank = GetMaxVeteranRank()
-        local rank = veteranRankMax < maxRank and veteranRankMax or maxRank
-        maxString = GetLevelOrVeteranRankString(levelMax, rank, 28)
-    else
-        maxString = tostring(levelMax)
-    end
-    if minString and maxString then
-        if minString == maxString then
-            return zo_strformat(SI_GROUPING_TOOLS_PANEL_LOCATION_FORMAT_NO_RANGE_STRING, maxString, name)
-        else
-            return zo_strformat(SI_GROUPING_TOOLS_PANEL_LOCATION_FORMAT_STRING, minString, maxString, name)
-        end
-    else
-        return name
-    end
-local ZO_GroupingToolsManager_Keyboard = ZO_Object:Subclass()
-function ZO_GroupingToolsManager_Keyboard:New(...)
-    local manager = ZO_Object.New(self)
-    manager:Initialize(...)
-    return manager
-function ZO_GroupingToolsManager_Keyboard:Initialize(control)
-    self.control = control
-    self.notLeaderLabel = control:GetNamedChild("NotLeader")
-    local leaderSectionControl = control:GetNamedChild("LeaderSection")
-    self.leaderSectionControl = leaderSectionControl
-    self.activityTypeMenuControl = leaderSectionControl:GetNamedChild("ActivityTypeMenu")
-    self.locationMenuControl = leaderSectionControl:GetNamedChild("LocationMenu")
-    self.modeLabel = leaderSectionControl:GetNamedChild("ModeLabel")
-    self.activityTypeHeaderLabel = self.activityTypeMenuControl:GetNamedChild("Text")
-    self.loactionHeaderLabel = self.locationMenuControl:GetNamedChild("Text")
-    self.groupSizeLabel = leaderSectionControl:GetNamedChild("GroupSize")
-    self:InitializeKeybindDescriptors()
-    self:InitializeMenus()
-    self:InitializeEvents()
-    self:InitializeScene()
-    self.activityTypeMenu:SelectFirstItem()
-function ZO_GroupingToolsManager_Keyboard:InitializeKeybindDescriptors()
-    self.keybindStripDescriptor =
-    {
-        alignment = KEYBIND_STRIP_ALIGN_CENTER,
-        -- Invite to Group
-        {
-            name = GetString(SI_GROUP_WINDOW_INVITE_PLAYER),
-            keybind = "UI_SHORTCUT_PRIMARY",
-            callback = function()
-                ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog("GROUP_INVITE")
-            end,
-            visible = function()
-                local playerIsLeader = IsUnitGroupLeader("player")
-                return not self.playerIsGrouped or (playerIsLeader and GetGroupSize() < GROUP_SIZE_MAX)
-            end
-        },
-        -- Start Search
-        {
-            name = GetString(SI_GROUPING_TOOLS_PANEL_START_SEARCH),
-            keybind = "UI_SHORTCUT_SECONDARY",
-            callback = function()
-                local entry = self.locationsMenu:GetSelectedItemData()
-                local data = entry.data
-                if self.currentMode == LFG_MODE then
-                    StartLFGSearch(data.activityType, data.activityIndex, data.groupType)
-                else
-                    ClearGroupFinderSearch()
-                    AddGroupFinderSearchEntry(data.activityType, data.activityIndex)
-                    StartGroupFinderSearch()
-                end
-            end,
-            visible = function()
-                local entry = self.locationsMenu:GetSelectedItemData()
-                local data = entry and entry.data
-                if not data then
-                    return false
-                end
-                if data.isEmptyEntry then
-                    return false
-                end
-                local groupFull = GetGroupSize() >= ZO_GROUP_TYPE_TO_SIZE[data.groupType]
-                local playerIsLeader = IsUnitGroupLeader("player")
-                return not IsCurrentlySearchingForGroup() and not groupFull and (not self.playerIsGrouped or playerIsLeader)
-            end
-        },
-        -- Cancel Search
-        {
-            name = GetString(SI_GROUP_WINDOW_CANCEL_SEARCH),
-            keybind = "UI_SHORTCUT_NEGATIVE",
-            callback = function()
-                ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog("LFG_LEAVE_QUEUE_CONFIRMATION")
-            end,
-            visible = function()
-                local playerIsLeader = IsUnitGroupLeader("player")
-                return IsCurrentlySearchingForGroup() and (not self.playerIsGrouped or playerIsLeader)
-            end
-        },
-    }
-function ZO_GroupingToolsManager_Keyboard:InitializeMenus()
-    --Activity Types
-    local function OnActivityTypeChanged(comboBox, name, entry)
-        self.previouslySelectedLocation = nil
-        self:UpdateLocationMenu()
-    end
-    local activityTypeMenu = ZO_ComboBox:New(self.activityTypeMenuControl:GetNamedChild("Dropdown"))
-    self.activityTypeMenu = activityTypeMenu
-    activityTypeMenu:SetSortsItems(false)
-    local function AddActivityTypeEntry(activityType)
-        local text = GetString("SI_LFGACTIVITY", activityType)
-        local entry = activityTypeMenu:CreateItemEntry(text, OnActivityTypeChanged)
-        entry.data = {activityType = activityType}
-        activityTypeMenu:AddItem(entry)
-    end
-    AddActivityTypeEntry(LFG_ACTIVITY_CYRODIIL)
-    AddActivityTypeEntry(LFG_ACTIVITY_DUNGEON)
-    --Activities
-    self.locationsMenu = ZO_ComboBox:New(self.locationMenuControl:GetNamedChild("Dropdown"))
-    self.locationsMenu:SetSortsItems(false)
-function ZO_GroupingToolsManager_Keyboard:InitializeEvents()
-    local function Update()
-        self:Update()
-    end
-    local function OnGroupChanged()
-        local isGrouped = IsUnitGrouped("player")
-        local groupedStateChanged = self.playerIsGrouped ~= isGrouped
-        if groupedStateChanged and isGrouped and GROUPING_TOOLS_SCENE:IsShowing() then
-            MAIN_MENU_KEYBOARD:ShowScene("groupList")
-        else
-            Update()
-        end
-    end
-    local function OnGroupMemberJoined(event, rawCharacterName)
-        if GetRawUnitName("player") == rawCharacterName then
-            --Set selected location to the one the LFG group just formed for.
-            if IsInLFGGroup() then
-                local activityType, activityIndex = GetCurrentLFGActivity()
-                self.previouslySelectedLocation = {activityType = activityType, activityIndex = activityIndex}
-            end
-        end
-        OnGroupChanged()
-    end
-    local control = self.control
-    control:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED, Update)
-    control:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_UNIT_CREATED, OnGroupChanged)
-    control:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_UNIT_DESTROYED, Update)
-    control:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_GROUP_UPDATE, OnGroupChanged)
-    control:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_JOINED, OnGroupMemberJoined)
-    control:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_LEFT, Update)
-    control:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_LEADER_UPDATE, Update)
-    control:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_STATUS_UPDATE, Update)
-function ZO_GroupingToolsManager_Keyboard:InitializeScene()
-    local function OnStateChange(oldState, newState)
-        if newState == SCENE_SHOWING then
-            KEYBIND_STRIP:AddKeybindButtonGroup(self.keybindStripDescriptor)
-            self:Update()
-        elseif newState == SCENE_HIDDEN then
-            KEYBIND_STRIP:RemoveKeybindButtonGroup(self.keybindStripDescriptor)
-        end
-    end
-    GROUPING_TOOLS_SCENE = ZO_Scene:New("groupingToolsKeyboard", SCENE_MANAGER)
-    GROUPING_TOOLS_SCENE:RegisterCallback("StateChange", OnStateChange)
-function ZO_GroupingToolsManager_Keyboard:Update()
-    if not GROUPING_TOOLS_SCENE:IsShowing() then
-        return
-    end
-    self.playerIsGrouped = IsUnitGrouped("player")
-    self:UpdateMode()
-    self:UpdateEnabledState()
-    self:UpdateVisibileState()
-    self:UpdateActivityTypeMenu()
-    self:UpdateLocationMenu()
-    KEYBIND_STRIP:UpdateKeybindButtonGroup(self.keybindStripDescriptor)
-function ZO_GroupingToolsManager_Keyboard:UpdateMode()
-    local mode = self.playerIsGrouped and LFM_MODE or LFG_MODE
-    self.currentMode = mode
-    self.modeLabel:SetText(MODE_STRINGS[mode])
-function ZO_GroupingToolsManager_Keyboard:UpdateEnabledState()
-    local enabled = not IsCurrentlySearchingForGroup()
-    self.activityTypeMenu:SetEnabled(enabled)
-    self.locationsMenu:SetEnabled(enabled)
-    local color = enabled and ZO_SELECTED_TEXT or ZO_DISABLED_TEXT
-    self.activityTypeMenu:SetSelectedColor(color:UnpackRGBA())
-    self.locationsMenu:SetSelectedColor(color:UnpackRGBA())
-    self.modeLabel:SetColor(color:UnpackRGBA())
-    self.activityTypeHeaderLabel:SetColor(color:UnpackRGBA())
-    self.loactionHeaderLabel:SetColor(color:UnpackRGBA())
-    if PREFERRED_ROLES then
-        PREFERRED_ROLES:DisableRoleButtons(not enabled)
-    end
-function ZO_GroupingToolsManager_Keyboard:UpdateVisibileState()
-    local playerIsLeader = IsUnitGroupLeader("player")
-    local visible = not self.playerIsGrouped or playerIsLeader
-    self.notLeaderLabel:SetHidden(visible)
-    self.leaderSectionControl:SetHidden(not visible)
-function ZO_GroupingToolsManager_Keyboard:UpdateActivityTypeMenu()
-    --Select activity type from current search
-    if GetNumLFGRequests() > 0 then
-        local activityType = GetLFGRequestInfo(1) -- assumes all requests are for the same activity
-        local function IsActivityByEval(entry)
-            return entry.data.activityType == activityType
-        end
-        self.activityTypeMenu:SetSelectedItemByEval(IsActivityByEval)
-    end
-function ZO_GroupingToolsManager_Keyboard:UpdateLocationData()
-    self.lfgOptions = {}
-    local activityType = self.activityTypeMenu:GetSelectedItemData().data.activityType
-    local activityIsAvA = activityType == LFG_ACTIVITY_CYRODIIL or activityType == LFG_ACTIVITY_IMPERIAL_CITY
-    if IsInAvAZone() then
-        if IsInLFGGroup() or not activityIsAvA then
-            return
-        end
-    elseif activityIsAvA then
-        return
-    end
-    local playerLevel = GetUnitLevel("player")
-    local playerVeteranRank = GetUnitVeteranRank("player")
-    for i = 1, GetNumLFGOptions(activityType) do
-        local name, levelMin, levelMax, veteranRankMin, veteranRankMax, groupType, passedReqs = GetLFGOption(activityType, i)
-        if passedReqs then
-            local passesLevelorRankCheck = false
-            if playerVeteranRank == 0 then
-                passesLevelorRankCheck = playerLevel >= levelMin and playerLevel <= levelMax
-            else
-                passesLevelorRankCheck = playerVeteranRank >= veteranRankMin and playerVeteranRank <= veteranRankMax
-            end
-            local requiredCollectible = GetRequiredLFGCollectibleId(activityType, i)
-            local passesCollectibleRequirement = requiredCollectible == 0 or IsCollectibleUnlocked(requiredCollectible)
-            local passesAVAZoneCheck = (not activityIsAvA) or IsInLFGAVAZone(activityType, i)
-            if passesLevelorRankCheck and passesCollectibleRequirement and passesAVAZoneCheck then
-                local data = {
-                    activityType = activityType,
-                    activityIndex = i,
-                    name = name,
-                    levelMin = levelMin,
-                    levelMax = levelMax,
-                    veteranRankMin = veteranRankMin,
-                    veteranRankMax = veteranRankMax,
-                    groupType = groupType,
-                    displayText = GetLFGEntryString(name, levelMin, levelMax, veteranRankMin, veteranRankMax),
-                }
-                table.insert(self.lfgOptions, data)
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    table.sort(self.lfgOptions, LFGLevelSort)
-function ZO_GroupingToolsManager_Keyboard:OnLocationChanged(comboBox, name, entry)
-    local data = entry.data
-    local text
-    if data then
-        local groupSize = ZO_GROUP_TYPE_TO_SIZE[data.groupType]
-        text = zo_strformat(SI_LFG_LOCATION_GROUP_SIZE, groupSize)
-    end
-    self.groupSizeLabel:SetText(text)
-    KEYBIND_STRIP:UpdateKeybindButtonGroup(self.keybindStripDescriptor)
-    self.previouslySelectedLocation = data
-function ZO_GroupingToolsManager_Keyboard:AddLocationEntry(data)
-    local entry = self.locationsMenu:CreateItemEntry(data.displayText, function(...) self:OnLocationChanged(...) end)
-    entry.data = data
-    self.locationsMenu:AddItem(entry)
-    return entry
-function ZO_GroupingToolsManager_Keyboard:UpdateLocationMenu()
-    self:UpdateLocationData()
-    self.locationsMenu:ClearItems()
-    local lfgMode = self.currentMode == LFG_MODE
-    local activityType = self.activityTypeMenu:GetSelectedItemData().data.activityType
-    local numLfgOptions = GetNumLFGOptions(activityType)
-    if #self.lfgOptions > 0 then
-        -- Addition of entry for the fake 'all' option to cause the c++ to queue for all entries in that activity type
-        if lfgMode and DoesLFGActivityHasAllOption(activityType) then
-            local allString = ""
-            if activityType == LFG_ACTIVITY_DUNGEON then
-                allString = GetString(SI_LFG_ANY_DUNGEON)
-            elseif activityType == LFG_ACTIVITY_MASTER_DUNGEON then
-                allString = GetString(SI_LFG_ANY_VETERAN_DUNGEON)
-            end
-            local allIndex = numLfgOptions + 1
-            local entry = self:AddLocationEntry({activityType = activityType, activityIndex = allIndex, groupType = LFG_GROUP_TYPE_REGULAR, displayText = allString})
-        end
-        for i = 1, #self.lfgOptions do
-            local data = self.lfgOptions[i]
-            local entry = self:AddLocationEntry(data)
-        end
-        local numRequests = GetNumLFGRequests()
-        if numRequests > 1 then --all is the only option that searches on multiple locations
-            self.locationsMenu:SelectFirstItem()
-        elseif numRequests > 0 then
-            local activityType, activityIndex = GetLFGRequestInfo(1)
-            local function IsLocationByEval(entry)
-                local data = entry.data
-                return data.activityType == activityType and data.activityIndex == activityIndex
-            end
-            self.locationsMenu:SetSelectedItemByEval(IsLocationByEval)
-        else
-            local previouslySelectedLocation = self.previouslySelectedLocation
-            if previouslySelectedLocation then
-                local function IsLocationByEval(entry)
-                    local data = entry.data
-                    return data.activityType == previouslySelectedLocation.activityType and data.activityIndex == previouslySelectedLocation.activityIndex
-                end
-                if not self.locationsMenu:SetSelectedItemByEval(IsLocationByEval) then
-                    self.locationsMenu:SelectFirstItem()
-                end
-            else
-                self.locationsMenu:SelectFirstItem()
-            end
-        end
-    else
-        self:AddLocationEntry({displayText = GetString(SI_GROUPING_TOOLS_PANEL_NONE_AVAILABLE), isEmptyEntry = true})
-        self.locationsMenu:SelectFirstItem()
-    end
---Global XML
-function ZO_GroupingToolsKeyboard_OnInitialized(control)
-    GROUPING_TOOLS_KEYBOARD = ZO_GroupingToolsManager_Keyboard:New(control)