diff --git a/esoui/ingame/group/preferredroles.lua b/esoui/ingame/group/preferredroles.lua
deleted file mode 100755
index a69b419..0000000
--- a/esoui/ingame/group/preferredroles.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
---Preferred Roles Manager
-local PreferredRolesManager = ZO_Object:Subclass()
-function PreferredRolesManager:New(control)
-    local manager = ZO_Object.New(self)
-    manager.control = control
-    manager:InitializeRoles()
-    return manager
-function PreferredRolesManager:InitializeRoles()
-    local isDPS, isHeal, isTank = GetPlayerRoles()
-    self.roles = {
-        [LFG_ROLE_DPS] = {
-            button = self.control:GetNamedChild("ButtonsDPS"),
-            isSelected = isDPS,
-        },
-        [LFG_ROLE_HEAL] = {
-            button = self.control:GetNamedChild("ButtonsHeal"),
-            isSelected = isHeal,
-        },
-        [LFG_ROLE_TANK] = {
-            button = self.control:GetNamedChild("ButtonsTank"),
-            isSelected = isTank,
-        },
-    }
-    for roleType, roleData in pairs(self.roles) do
-        if roleData.isSelected then
-            ZO_CheckButton_SetChecked(roleData.button)
-        end
-    end
-function PreferredRolesManager:SetRoleToggled(role, selected)
-    self.roles[role].isSelected = selected
-    UpdatePlayerRole(role, selected)
-function PreferredRolesManager:DisableRoleButtons(isDisabled)
-    for roleType, roleData in pairs(self.roles) do
-        --Force buttons only half selected (mouse down only) to be unselected before disabling
-        if not roleData.isSelected then
-            ZO_CheckButton_SetUnchecked(roleData.button, false)
-        end
-        ZO_CheckButton_SetEnableState(roleData.button, not isDisabled)
-        --Force mouse to be enabled on disabled buttons so tooltips still work
-        roleData.button:SetMouseEnabled(true)
-    end
-function PreferredRolesManager:GetSelectedRoleCount()
-    local count = 0
-    for roleType, roleData in pairs(self.roles) do
-        if roleData.isSelected then
-            count = count + 1
-        end
-    end
-    return count
----- XML Callbacks ----
-function ZO_PreferredRolesHelp_OnMouseEnter(control)
-    InitializeTooltip(InformationTooltip, control, RIGHT, -5, 0)
-    SetTooltipText(InformationTooltip, GetString(SI_GROUP_LIST_PANEL_PREFERRED_ROLE_TOOLTIP))
-function ZO_PreferredRolesHelp_OnMouseExit(control)
-    ClearTooltip(InformationTooltip)
-function ZO_PreferredRolesButton_OnMouseEnter(control)
-    InitializeTooltip(InformationTooltip, control, BOTTOM, 0, 0)
-    SetTooltipText(InformationTooltip, GetString("SI_LFGROLE", control.role))
-    local currentState = control:GetState()
-    if currentState == BSTATE_DISABLED or currentState == BSTATE_DISABLED_PRESSED then
-        InformationTooltip:AddLine(zo_strformat(SI_GROUP_LIST_PANEL_DISABLED_ROLE_TOOLTIP, tooltipText), "", ZO_ColorDef:New("ff0000"):UnpackRGB())
-    end
-function ZO_PreferredRolesButton_OnMouseExit(control)
-    ClearTooltip(InformationTooltip)
-function ZO_PreferredRolesButton_OnClicked(buttonControl, mouseButton)
-    local buttonState = buttonControl:GetState()
-    local role = buttonControl.role
-    if buttonState == BSTATE_NORMAL then
-        ZO_CheckButton_SetChecked(buttonControl)
-        PREFERRED_ROLES:SetRoleToggled(role, true)
-    elseif buttonState == BSTATE_PRESSED and PREFERRED_ROLES:GetSelectedRoleCount() > 1 then --enforce having at least one role selected
-        ZO_CheckButton_SetUnchecked(buttonControl)
-        PREFERRED_ROLES:SetRoleToggled(role, false)
-    end
-function ZO_PreferredRoles_OnInitialized(self)
-    PREFERRED_ROLES = PreferredRolesManager:New(self)
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