diff --git a/esoui/ingame/lfg/veterandifficultysettings.lua b/esoui/ingame/lfg/veterandifficultysettings.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6a73bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/esoui/ingame/lfg/veterandifficultysettings.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+local function DetermineButtonState(pressed, enabled)
+    if pressed then
+        if enabled then
+            return BSTATE_PRESSED
+        else
+            return BSTATE_DISABLED_PRESSED
+        end
+    else
+        if enabled then
+            return BSTATE_NORMAL
+        else
+            return BSTATE_DISABLED
+        end
+    end
+local function UpdateVeteranStateVisuals(self, isVeteranDifficulty)
+    self.hasControlOfDifficulty, self.difficultyControlReason = CanPlayerChangeGroupDifficulty()
+    if self.hasControlOfDifficulty then
+        self.normalModeButton:SetHidden(false)
+        self.veteranModeButton:SetHidden(false)
+        self.difficultyLabel:SetHidden(true)
+        local isVeteran = GetUnitVeteranRank("player") > 0
+        --Normal mode button
+        local normalButtonPressed = not isVeteranDifficulty
+        local normalButtonEnabled = true
+        local normalButtonState = DetermineButtonState(normalButtonPressed, normalButtonEnabled)
+        local normalButtonLocked = normalButtonPressed --enforce a button always being selected by locking down the pressed one
+        self.normalModeButton:SetState(normalButtonState, normalButtonLocked)
+        --Veteran mode button
+        local veteranButtonPressed = isVeteranDifficulty
+        local veteranButtonEnabled = isVeteran
+        local veteranButtonState = DetermineButtonState(veteranButtonPressed, veteranButtonEnabled)
+        local veteranButtonLocked = veteranButtonPressed --enforce a button always being selected by locking down the pressed one
+        self.veteranModeButton:SetState(veteranButtonState, veteranButtonLocked)
+    else
+        self.normalModeButton:SetHidden(true)
+        self.veteranModeButton:SetHidden(true)
+        self.difficultyLabel:SetHidden(false)
+        local groupDungeonDifficulty = ZO_GetGroupDungeonDifficulty()
+        local icon = GetKeyboardDungeonDifficultyIcon(groupDungeonDifficulty)
+        local text = GetString("SI_DUNGEONDIFFICULTY", groupDungeonDifficulty)
+        self.difficultyLabel:SetText(zo_iconTextFormat(icon, 32, 32, text))
+    end
+local function UpdateVeteranState(self, isVeteranDifficulty)
+    if isVeteranDifficulty == nil then
+        isVeteranDifficulty = ZO_GetEffectiveDungeonDifficulty() == DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_VETERAN
+    end
+    UpdateVeteranStateVisuals(self, isVeteranDifficulty)
+function ZO_VeteranDifficultySettings_OnInitialized(self)
+    self.normalModeButton = self:GetNamedChild("NormalDifficulty")
+    self.veteranModeButton = self:GetNamedChild("VeteranDifficulty")
+    self.difficultyLabel = self:GetNamedChild("DifficultyLabel")
+    local function Refresh(unitTag)
+        if(unitTag == nil or unitTag == "player") then
+            UpdateVeteranState(self)
+        end
+    end
+    -- NOTE: There appears to be a bug in the event manager code that is preventing the same function to be registered from the same control for different events...
+    -- until that's fixed, split up the handlers.
+    local function OnGroupVeteranDifficultyChanged()
+        Refresh()
+    end
+    local function OnVeteranRankChanged(eventId, unitTag, veteranRank)
+        Refresh(unitTag)
+    end
+    local function OnPlayerActivated()
+        Refresh()
+    end
+    local function OnLeaderUpdate()
+        Refresh()
+    end
+    local function OnGroupUpdate()
+        Refresh()
+    end
+    local function OnGroupMemberJoined()
+        Refresh()
+    end
+    local function OnGroupMemberLeft()
+        Refresh()
+    end
+    local function OnGroupUpdate()
+        Refresh()
+    end
+    local function OnZoneUpdate(evt, unitTag, newZone)
+        if ZO_Group_IsGroupUnitTag(unitTag) or unitTag == "player" then
+            Refresh()
+        end
+    end
+    self:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_GROUP_VETERAN_DIFFICULTY_CHANGED, OnGroupVeteranDifficultyChanged)
+    self:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_VETERAN_RANK_UPDATE, OnVeteranRankChanged)
+    self:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_LEADER_UPDATE, OnLeaderUpdate)
+    self:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_GROUP_UPDATE, OnGroupUpdate)
+    self:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_JOINED, OnGroupMemberJoined)
+    self:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_LEFT, OnGroupMemberLeft)
+    self:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED, OnPlayerActivated)
+    self:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_ZONE_UPDATE, OnZoneUpdate)
+    Refresh()
+function ZO_VeteranDifficultyButton_OnMouseEnter(self)
+    InitializeTooltip(InformationTooltip, self, BOTTOM, 0, 0)
+    SetTooltipText(InformationTooltip, GetString("SI_DUNGEONDIFFICULTY", self.dungeonDifficulty))
+function ZO_VeteranDifficultyButton_OnMouseExit(self)
+    ClearTooltip(InformationTooltip)
+function ZO_VeteranDifficultyButton_OnClicked(self)
+    local isVeteranDifficulty = ZO_ConvertToIsVeteranDifficulty(self.dungeonDifficulty)
+    SetVeteranDifficulty(isVeteranDifficulty)
+    -- Pre-emptive update based on mostly current state, and the desired difficulty setting.
+    UpdateVeteranState(self:GetParent(), isVeteranDifficulty)
+function ZO_VeteranDifficultyHelp_OnMouseEnter(self)
+    InitializeTooltip(InformationTooltip, self, RIGHT, -5, 0)
+    local difficultyContainer = self:GetParent()
+    local r, g, b
+    local SET_TO_FULL_SIZE = true
+    if not difficultyContainer.hasControlOfDifficulty then
+        r, g, b = ZO_ERROR_COLOR:UnpackRGB()
+    else
+        r, g, b = ZO_SUCCEEDED_TEXT:UnpackRGB()
+    end
+    InformationTooltip:AddLine(GetString("SI_GROUPDIFFICULTYCHANGEREASON", difficultyContainer.difficultyControlReason), "", r, g, b, TOPLEFT, MODIFY_TEXT_TYPE_NONE, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, SET_TO_FULL_SIZE)
+    r, g, b = ZO_NORMAL_TEXT:UnpackRGB()
+function ZO_VeteranDifficultyHelp_OnMouseExit(self)
+    ClearTooltip(InformationTooltip)
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