diff --git a/esoui/ingame/lfg/zo_activityfinderroot_manager.lua b/esoui/ingame/lfg/zo_activityfinderroot_manager.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57178a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/esoui/ingame/lfg/zo_activityfinderroot_manager.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+local function LFGLevelSort(entry1, entry2)
+    if entry1.veteranRankMin ~= entry2.veteranRankMin then
+        return entry1.veteranRankMin < entry2.veteranRankMin
+    elseif entry1.levelMin ~= entry2.levelMin then
+        return entry1.levelMin < entry2.levelMin
+    elseif entry1.veteranRankMax ~= entry2.veteranRankMax then
+        return entry1.veteranRankMax < entry2.veteranRankMax
+    elseif entry1.levelMax ~= entry2.levelMax then
+        return entry1.levelMax < entry2.levelMax
+    else
+        return entry1.rawName < entry2.rawName
+    end
+local function GetLFGEntryStringKeyboard(rawName, activityType)
+    if activityType == LFG_ACTIVITY_MASTER_DUNGEON then
+        return zo_iconTextFormat(GetVeteranRankIcon(), "100%", "100%", rawName)
+    else
+        return zo_strformat(SI_LFG_ACTIVITY_NAME, rawName)
+    end
+local function GetLFGEntryStringGamepad(rawName, activityType)
+    if activityType == LFG_ACTIVITY_MASTER_DUNGEON then
+        return zo_strformat(GetString(SI_GAMEPAD_ACTIVITY_FINDER_VETERAN_LOCATION_FORMAT), rawName)
+    else
+        return zo_strformat(SI_LFG_ACTIVITY_NAME, rawName)
+    end
+local function GetLevelRankRequirementText(levelMin, levelMax, rankMin, rankMax)
+    local playerRank = GetUnitVeteranRank("player")
+    if playerRank > 0 or levelMin == GetMaxLevel() then
+        if playerRank < rankMin then
+            return zo_strformat(SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_PLAYER_MIN_RANK_REQUIREMENT, rankMin)
+        elseif playerRank > rankMax then
+            return zo_strformat(SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_PLAYER_MAX_RANK_REQUIREMENT, rankMax)
+        end
+    else
+        local playerLevel = GetUnitLevel("player")
+        if playerLevel < levelMin then
+            return zo_strformat(SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_PLAYER_MIN_LEVEL_REQUIREMENT, levelMin)
+        elseif playerLevel > levelMax then
+            return zo_strformat(SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_PLAYER_MAX_LEVEL_REQUIREMENT, levelMax)
+        end
+    end
+local function IsPreferredRoleSelected()
+    local isDPS, isHeal, isTank = GetPlayerRoles()
+    return isDPS or isHeal or isTank
+local function CreateLocationData(activityType, lfgIndex)
+    local name, levelMin, levelMax, veteranRankMin, veteranRankMax, groupType, minNumMembers, description = GetLFGOption(activityType, lfgIndex)
+    local descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard, descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = GetLFGOptionKeyboardDescriptionTextures(activityType, lfgIndex)
+    local descriptionTextureGamepad = GetLFGOptionGamepadDescriptionTexture(activityType, lfgIndex)
+    local requiredCollectible = GetRequiredLFGCollectibleId(activityType, lfgIndex)
+    return
+    {
+        activityType = activityType,
+        lfgIndex = lfgIndex,
+        nameKeyboard = GetLFGEntryStringKeyboard(name, activityType),
+        nameGamepad = GetLFGEntryStringGamepad(name, activityType),
+        rawName = name,
+        description = description,
+        descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard = descriptionTextureSmallKeyboard,
+        descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard = descriptionTextureLargeKeyboard,
+        descriptionTextureGamepad = descriptionTextureGamepad,
+        levelMin = levelMin,
+        levelMax = levelMax,
+        veteranRankMin = veteranRankMin,
+        veteranRankMax = veteranRankMax,
+        groupType = groupType,
+        minGroupSize = minNumMembers,
+        maxGroupSize = GetGroupSizeFromLFGGroupType(groupType),
+        requiredCollectible = requiredCollectible,
+    }
+ActivityFinderRoot_Manager = ZO_CallbackObject:Subclass()
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:New(...)
+    local singleton = ZO_CallbackObject.New(self)
+    singleton:Initialize(...)
+    return singleton
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:Initialize()
+    self.groupSize = 0
+    self:InitializeLocationData()
+    self:RegisterForEvents()
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:RegisterForEvents()
+    local function ClearSelections()
+        self:ClearSelections()
+    end
+    local function ClearAndUpdate()
+        self:ClearAndUpdate()
+    end
+    function UpdateGroupStatus()
+        self:UpdateGroupStatus()
+    end
+    function OnLevelUpdate(eventCode, unitTag)
+        if unitTag == "player" or ZO_Group_IsGroupUnitTag(unitTag) then
+            self:ClearAndUpdate()
+            self:FireCallbacks("OnLevelUpdate")
+        end
+    end
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ActivityFinderRoot_Manager", EVENT_GROUPING_TOOLS_STATUS_UPDATE, function(eventCode, ...) self:OnGroupingToolsStatusUpdate(...) end)
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ActivityFinderRoot_Manager", EVENT_ACTIVITY_FINDER_COOLDOWNS_UPDATE, function() self:FireCallbacks("OnCooldownsUpdate") end)
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ActivityFinderRoot_Manager", EVENT_CURRENT_CAMPAIGN_CHANGED, ClearAndUpdate)
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ActivityFinderRoot_Manager", EVENT_COLLECTION_UPDATED, ClearAndUpdate)
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ActivityFinderRoot_Manager", EVENT_COLLECTIBLE_UPDATED, ClearAndUpdate)
+    --We should clear selections when switching filters, but we won't necessarily clear them when closing scenes
+    --However, we can't ensure that gamepad and keyboard will stay on the same filter, so we'll clear selections when switching between modes
+    --This won't require rechecking lock statuses
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ActivityFinderRoot_Manager", EVENT_GAMEPAD_PREFERRED_MODE_CHANGED, ClearSelections)
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ActivityFinderRoot_Manager", EVENT_LEVEL_UPDATE, OnLevelUpdate)
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ActivityFinderRoot_Manager", EVENT_VETERAN_RANK_UPDATE, OnLevelUpdate)
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ActivityFinderRoot_Manager", EVENT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED, UpdateGroupStatus)
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ActivityFinderRoot_Manager", EVENT_GROUP_MEMBER_LEFT, UpdateGroupStatus)
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ActivityFinderRoot_Manager", EVENT_UNIT_CREATED, function(eventCode, unitTag) 
+        if ZO_Group_IsGroupUnitTag(unitTag) then
+            self:UpdateGroupStatus()
+        end
+    end)
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ActivityFinderRoot_Manager", EVENT_GROUP_UPDATE, UpdateGroupStatus)
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("ActivityFinderRoot_Manager", EVENT_LEADER_UPDATE, UpdateGroupStatus)
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:InitializeLocationData()
+    local locationsLookupData = {}
+    local sortedLocationsData = {}
+    local randomActivityTypeGroupSizeRanges = {}
+        local numOptions = GetNumLFGOptions(activityType)
+        if numOptions > 0 then
+            local lookupActivityData = {}
+            local sortedActivityData = {}
+            local minGroupSize, maxGroupSize
+            for lfgIndex = 1, numOptions do
+                local data = CreateLocationData(activityType, lfgIndex)
+                table.insert(lookupActivityData, data)
+                table.insert(sortedActivityData, data)
+                if not minGroupSize or minGroupSize > data.minGroupSize then
+                    minGroupSize = data.minGroupSize
+                end
+                if not maxGroupSize or maxGroupSize < data.maxGroupSize then
+                    maxGroupSize = data.maxGroupSize
+                end
+            end
+            table.sort(sortedActivityData, LFGLevelSort)
+            locationsLookupData[activityType] = lookupActivityData
+            sortedLocationsData[activityType] = sortedActivityData
+            randomActivityTypeGroupSizeRanges[activityType] = { min = minGroupSize, max = maxGroupSize }
+        end
+    end
+    self.sortedLocationsData = sortedLocationsData
+    self.locationsLookupData = locationsLookupData
+    self.randomActivityTypeGroupSizeRanges = randomActivityTypeGroupSizeRanges
+    self.numSelected = 0
+    self.randomActivityTypeLockReasons = {}
+    self.randomActivitySelections = {}
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:UpdateGroupStatus()
+    local wasGrouped = self.playerIsGrouped
+    local wasLeader = self.playerIsLeader
+    self.playerIsGrouped = IsUnitGrouped("player")
+    self.playerIsLeader = IsUnitGroupLeader("player")
+    self.groupSize = GetGroupSize()
+    local groupStateChanged = wasGrouped ~= self.playerIsGrouped or wasLeader ~= self.playerIsLeader
+    if groupStateChanged then
+        self:FireCallbacks("OnUpdateGroupStatus", wasGrouped, self.playerIsGrouped, wasLeader, self.playerIsLeader)
+    end
+    self:ClearAndUpdate()
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:GetGroupStatus()
+    return self.playerIsGrouped, self.playerIsLeader, self.groupSize
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:UpdateLocationData()
+    --Determine lock status for each location
+    local inAGroup = IsUnitGrouped("player")
+    local isLeader = IsUnitGroupLeader("player")
+    local isRoleSelected = IsPreferredRoleSelected()
+    ZO_ClearTable(self.randomActivityTypeLockReasons)
+    for activityType, locationsByActivity in pairs(self.locationsLookupData) do
+        if locationsByActivity then
+            local activityIsAvA = activityType == LFG_ACTIVITY_AVA
+            local anyEligible = false
+            local anyLockReason = nil
+            for index, location in ipairs(locationsByActivity) do
+                location.isLocked = true
+                if inAGroup and not isLeader then
+                    location.lockReasonText = GetString(SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_NOT_LEADER)
+                elseif not isRoleSelected then
+                    location.lockReasonText = GetString(SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_NO_ROLES_SELECTED)
+                elseif activityIsAvA and not IsInAvAZone() then
+                    location.lockReasonText = GetString(SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_NOT_IN_AVA)
+                elseif not activityIsAvA and IsInAvAZone() then
+                    location.lockReasonText = GetString(SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_IN_AVA)
+                elseif IsInAvAZone() and IsInLFGGroup() then
+                    location.lockReasonText = GetString(SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_AVA_CROSS_ALLIANCE)
+                else
+                    location.playerMeetsLevelRequirements = DoesPlayerMeetLFGLevelRequirements(activityType, index)
+                    location.groupMeetsLevelRequirements = DoesGroupMeetLFGLevelRequirements(activityType, index)
+                    local groupTooLarge = self.groupSize > GROUP_TYPE_TO_MAX_SIZE[location.groupType]
+                    if groupTooLarge then
+                        location.lockReasonText = GetString(SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_GROUP_TOO_LARGE)
+                    elseif not location.playerMeetsLevelRequirements then
+                        location.lockReasonText = GetLevelRankRequirementText(location.levelMin, location.levelMax, location.veteranRankMin, location.veteranRankMax)
+                    elseif not location.groupMeetsLevelRequirements and inAGroup then
+                        location.lockReasonText = GetString(SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_GROUP_LOCATION_LEVEL_REQUIREMENTS)
+                    elseif location.requiredCollectible ~= 0 and not IsCollectibleUnlocked(location.requiredCollectible) then
+                        location.lockReasonText = zo_strformat(SI_LFG_LOCK_REASON_DLC_NOT_UNLOCKED, GetCollectibleName(location.requiredCollectible))
+                    else
+                        location.isLocked = false
+                        location.lockReasonText = ""
+                        anyEligible = true
+                    end
+                end
+                if location.lockReasonText ~= "" then
+                    anyLockReason = location.lockReasonText
+                end
+            end
+            if anyEligible then
+                self.randomActivityTypeLockReasons[activityType] = nil
+            else
+                self.randomActivityTypeLockReasons[activityType] = anyLockReason
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    self:FireCallbacks("OnUpdateLocationData")
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:ClearSelections()
+    for activityType, locationsByActivity in pairs(self.locationsLookupData) do
+        self.randomActivitySelections[activityType] = false
+        for index, location in ipairs(locationsByActivity) do
+            location.isSelected = false
+        end
+    end
+    self.numSelected = GetNumLFGRequests()
+    for i = 1, self.numSelected do
+        local activityType, index = GetLFGRequestInfo(i)
+        local location = self.locationsLookupData[activityType][index]
+        location.isSelected = true
+    end
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:ClearAndUpdate()
+    --A clear and update is required when the selections may change due to requirement changes. (Ex: a group member
+    --joins that doesn't meet the level requirement of a location already selected. The location needs to be unselected
+    --and locked, and then all other locations need to be refreshed again in case they are now unlocked. Instead of
+    --nesting refreshes, just clear and update when an event occurs that can lead to this.)
+    self:ClearSelections()
+    self:UpdateLocationData()
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:OnGroupingToolsStatusUpdate(isInQueue)
+    self.isInQueue = isInQueue
+    self:FireCallbacks("OnGroupingToolsStatusUpdate", isInQueue)
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:GetLocationsData(activityType)
+    if activityType then
+        return self.sortedLocationsData[activityType]
+    else
+        return self.sortedLocationsData
+    end
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:GetLocation(activityType, lfgIndex)
+    local locationsByActivity = self.locationsLookupData[activityType]
+    if locationsByActivity then
+        local location = locationsByActivity[lfgIndex]
+        if location then
+            return location
+        end
+    end
+    assert(false) --We should never be asking for a location using a bad activity or lfgIndex, fix the code that called this
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:GetIsCurrentlyInQueue()
+    return self.isInQueue
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:ToggleLocationSelected(location)
+    self:SetLocationSelected(location, not location.isSelected)
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:SetLocationSelected(location, selected)
+    if location.isLocked or IsCurrentlySearchingForGroup() or location.isSelected == selected then
+        return
+    end
+    location.isSelected = selected
+    local delta = location.isSelected and 1 or -1
+    self.numSelected = self.numSelected + delta
+    self:FireCallbacks("OnSelectionsChanged")
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:ToggleActivityTypeSelected(activityType)
+    self:SetActivityTypeSelected(activityType, not self.randomActivitySelections[activityType])
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:SetActivityTypeSelected(activityType, selected)
+    if not self:CanChooseRandomForActivityType(activityType) or IsCurrentlySearchingForGroup() or self.randomActivitySelections[activityType] == selected then
+        return
+    end
+    self.randomActivitySelections[activityType] = selected
+    local delta = selected and 1 or -1
+    self.numSelected = self.numSelected + delta
+    self:FireCallbacks("OnSelectionsChanged")
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:IsActivityTypeSelected(activityType)
+    return self.randomActivitySelections[activityType]
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:IsAnyLocationSelected()
+    return self.numSelected > 0
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:CanChooseRandomForActivityType(activityType)
+    return self.randomActivityTypeLockReasons[activityType] == nil
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:GetLockReasonForActivityType(activityType)
+    return self.randomActivityTypeLockReasons[activityType]
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:GetGroupSizeRangeForActivityType(activityType)
+    local groupSizeRangeTable = self.randomActivityTypeGroupSizeRanges[activityType]
+    return groupSizeRangeTable.min, groupSizeRangeTable.max
+    local function IsRoleSelected(roles)
+        return roles[LFG_ROLE_DPS] or roles[LFG_ROLE_HEAL] or roles[LFG_ROLE_TANK]
+    end
+    function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:StartSearch()
+        if IsCurrentlySearchingForGroup() then
+            return
+        end
+        ClearGroupFinderSearch()
+        local roles = PREFERRED_ROLES:GetRoles()
+        if not IsRoleSelected(roles) then
+            return
+        end
+        --Add locations
+        for activityType, locationsByActivity in pairs(self.locationsLookupData) do
+            if self.randomActivitySelections[activityType] then
+                AddGroupFinderSearchEntry(activityType)
+            end
+            for index, location in ipairs(locationsByActivity) do
+                if location.isSelected then
+                    AddGroupFinderSearchEntry(activityType, index)
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        local result = StartGroupFinderSearch()
+        if result ~= ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT_SUCCESS then
+            ZO_AlertEvent(EVENT_ACTIVITY_QUEUE_RESULT, result)
+        end
+    end
+function ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:HandleLFMPromptResponse(accept)
+    --Any response should clear the prompt, but only acceptance sends the request
+    if accept then
+        SendLFMRequest()
+    end
+    self:FireCallbacks("OnHandleLFMPromptResponse")
+ ZO_ACTIVITY_FINDER_ROOT_MANAGER = ActivityFinderRoot_Manager:New()
\ No newline at end of file